Empowering businesses with AI automation solutions

Logix AI is a global AI automation agency based in Rochester NY. We offer a conversational AI chat tool that can handle customer support, appointment scheduling, marketing emails, and more on all major channels.

Innovative AI Automation Solutions

Our AI chat tool is available on webchat, voice, SMS, email, Facebook, and Instagram. We also offer a comment automation tool to turn comments into customers through private messaging.

AI Chat Solution Benefits

Save time and boost productivity for business owners, sales teams, and customer support agents.

Boost Productivity
AI automations will boost productivity
AI automations will boost productivity

Increase efficiency and streamline communication with our AI chat solution using a central inbox for conversations, and live chat capabilities.

Ai will optimize your time
Ai will optimize your time
AI chatbot for Sales
AI chatbot for Sales
Optimize your time

Let AI work for you so that you can focus on higher-priority tasks by automating mundane ones.

Recommend products based on user need and sell products directly in the chat.

Drive Sales Growth

Predict the future by creating it

You didn’t come this far to stop

AI chatbots can handle up to 80% of routine inquiries, freeing up human agents for more complex tasks

67% of businesses using chatbots for sales report increased lead generation and conversion rates

Companies using AI-driven customer service tools see an average 10-15% increase in sales and a 20-30% improvement in customer satisfaction

white neon light signage on wall

Use Cases

Product Recommendations

Mark is looking for a new laptop. He interacts with the AI assistant on an electronics retailer's website, which asks him a few questions about his preferences and usage. The chatbot then suggests several laptops that fit his criteria, streamlining his shopping experience.

Appointment Scheduling

Lisa needs to schedule a doctor's appointment. She uses her healthcare provider's chatbot to find available times and book an appointment without having to call the office.

Customer Support

Laura needs help with a product she recently purchased. She uses the retailer's AI chatbot to troubleshoot the issue and receive guidance on how to fix it or initiate a return process if necessary.

Service Upgrades

Maria is interested in upgrading her internet plan. She interacts with the AI assistant on her telecom provider's website, which informs her about available plans, compares them, and helps her upgrade seamlessly.

Possibilities are endless to provide a next level user experience.

Real Estate Property Search

Emily is looking for a new apartment. She visits a real estate website and uses the AI chatbot to filter listings based on her preferences, such as location, budget, and amenities. The chatbot provides her with a curated list of properties that meet her criteria.

Guest Services

During his hotel stay, Michael uses the hotel's AI chatbot to request room service, book spa appointments, and get local recommendations, enhancing his overall experience.

Partnership process

Initial Phone Consult

We'll gather information on your business and what you're looking to accomplish with our chat.

We'll create a demo of the chat using your website and business info, to show you how it works with your data.

Once you're impressed, we'll finalize the chat and launch on the channels you specify. Staying in touch to optimize customer conversations.

Create a demo
Launch & Ongoing Support

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